\n Basic functionality
\n A lot of this stuff is obvious, please respect that form, it's only amatour features presentation
\n list below is outdated, a lot of stuff is refactored and added, keep wait to update info about this gamemode.\n \n - \n Account system\n
\n - \n Simple and minimalist hud\n
\n - \n Info panel\n
\n - avatar like your skin, or settable by user on server page (working on it).
\n \n - \n Scoreboard\n
\n - displays avatars, on rules like above
\n - only some rows is showed, others is hidden, because all is divided for pages
\n \n - \n Vehicle console\n
\n - showing current radiostation
\n - displays vehicle status - health, fuel, mileage.. etc.
\n - informs about problems with engine, low fuel, and special troubles with vehicle
\n - in/out animation
\n \n - \n Real time - day is day, night is night, based on server date.\n
\n \n